Category Archives: Health


Air: A Natural Resource That’s Far More Useful Than Just For Breathing

There are several natural resources people take advantage of. However, one of the more taken for granted resource is air. Air can be found in most places around the world – well, except, of course, underwater!

Now, air is a mixture of several kinds of gases:

  • Argon
  • Carbon dioxide
  • Nitrogen
  • Oxygen
  • Trace amounts of various gases

Air also has a variable amount of moisture, which is what create the Earth’s atmosphere.

The atmosphere does several things to protect the planet:

  1. It absorbs the ultraviolet solar radiation
  2. It warms the surface using heat retention
  3. It decreases the extreme temperature between night and day.
  4. It allows people to breathe.

What Other Benefits Does It Provide People


Air can be used for drying. You can hang wet clothes out on a line to dry your clothes on breezy days. The breeze and air will dry them in practically no time. When you’re out in the wild, dirty laundry is still better dry than it is wet. After all, it keeps mold from growing.

Of course, using air for laundry can be taken even further. For example, turn your sleeping bag inside out for five minutes each day. Why? When you sleep, your body will perspire due to the bag’s warmth. Airing it out will evaporate the moisture so that the bag stays dry. This will lengthen its lifespan as well as its washing frequency.

Insulation and Warmth

Air is also worthwhile for sleeping bags because it can help in insulating people, keeping them warm. This logic can also be applied to shelter-building. It’s better to use a spongy, bracken base for a roof structure that’s been packed heavily with dry leaves, instead of something dense, because it keeps air trapped within the materials, acting like a good insulator for keeping things warm and toasty.

Besides, breathing and keeping an area dry and warm, what other things does air do for the universe?

Food Preservation

Air is also good for preserving food. Air drying of fish and meat will ensure food is kept for when you are hungry. This kind of practice also provides jerky, and with this method, you can really adventurous by flavoring your meats with pepper, salt or other seasoning.

Remember this saying: you don’t know what you have until you no long have it? Well, air is one of those things that people take for granted.

What Happens When You Don’t Have Any Air

At high altitudes, air begins thin out. And, when this happens, there are a significant number of difficulties the human body must bear. As the lungs don’t get enough air, the body tries to handle it by increasing the number of breaths you take as well as your heart rate. About 50 percent of folks at 14,000 feet will be overcome with altitude sickness. Symptoms of altitude sickness include:

  • Extended shortness of breath
  • Extended fatigue
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Exhaustion
  • Vomiting

These symptoms are the body’s way of saying you need to reduce your altitude level. If you do so, you can continue after a couple of days. If not, it could become deadly.

As you can see, air is extremely important each and every day of the week. You need it far more than just for breathing, which is something you probably never thought of!

Ayurvedic Home Remedies - The Ultimate Organic Solution

Ayurvedic Home Remedies: The Ultimate Organic Solution

The increasing numbers of ailments have led to the advent of Ayurvedic home remedies. These remedies strive to provide a natural way of curing these ailments. Ayurveda is basically word from Sanskrit origin. It stands for “Ayus” that is life and “veda” that stands for science. Hence, Ayurveda is nothing but Science of life or rather way of living a healthy life.

Ayurveda is an organic way of treating the mind as well as the body. Our mind has great influence over the body. For a body to function properly, the body needs to build a healthy metabolic system along with proper digestive system. This state of body can be achieved by regular exercise along with yoga and meditation and nutritious diet. The divinity of life can be reached by improving physically as we as psychologically.

Ayurvedic Home Remedies - The Ultimate Organic SolutionTo start with the wide application of the Ayurvedic home remedies let’s consider the acne problem that most of us have faced while growing up. Acne, blackheads tend to grow time to time. The best Ayurvedic solution for this problem is having non spicy food along with tea intake. By shifting to plain food, the body gets detoxified as a result the body gets cleaned internally.

Another common ailment that we might suffer from time to time is cough. Ayurveda offers cough liquid syrup which is available online. The syrup provides relaxation of throat internal swelling. Kapha is another medicine available that increases immunity level of lungs and facilitates relieving breathing.

With the increasing work load in offices we tend to neglect our health. This leads to improper food intake and also untimely food intake which causes obesity. One of the major reasons for obesity is improper functioning of digestive system. The metabolic rate of obese people is inadequate; as a result there is constant weight gain. To reduce weight one should increase intake of fruits like papaya, pineapples and mangoes. Adding ginger in regular vegetables would also be effective. Other approaches to reduce weight would be drinking tea, sipping hot water. One of the other habits you need to develop is, most of us due to shortage of ample time, tend to swallow our food rather than nibbling the food. This bad habit lets huge chunks of food enter your body. Your stomach has to take much more efforts to digest this food. Chewing food adequate times would help in proper digestion and would solve of excessive weight gain. Also following certain yoga techniques in regular exercise regime would help to improve metabolic rate.

Ayurveda offers various remedies to hair loss problems too. Some of the people suffer with dry and itchy scalps leads to dandruff. Some of the natural ailments like hibiscus petals can be added in hair oil to provide the nourishment. You can take your own cautious steps by not using over heated water on head as it leads to dry hair and scalp.

With so many in hand techniques to take care the Ayurvedic way, well get started and boost your health the organic way!

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herbal preparations tinctures

Herbal Preparations: Tinctures

Tinctures are produced by extracting medicinal constituents of herbs in alcohol. They are more potent and longer lasting when compared with preparations that are water based such as decoctions and infusions.


Tincture Preparation

You will need the following ingredients:

  1. 30g dried herbs
  2. 400 ml of brandy
  3. 170 ml water


  1. Bruise the herb and mix the water and spirit together
  2. Place the herbs in a large jar and add the water and spirit
  3. Leave to stand in a cool dry place for only 2 weeks. Make sure that you shake the jar daily.
  4. After the 2 weeks, strain through a muslin cloth and pour the liquid in a sterilized glass bottle.
  5. Make sure that you label the bottles with the name of the tincture, the dosage and use and also the date.

The standard dose is 1 to 3 tablespoons daily. For gargles and washes however, it is important to dilute 1 tablespoon in 1 cup of water.

Tinctures are able to preserve themselves indefinitely.


5 Natural Ways To Help Your Immune System

5 Natural Ways To Help Your Immune System

Five natural, but uncommon ways to boost one’s immune system are consuming antioxidants, getting adequate sleep, consuming certain fats, adequate sunshine and moderate exercise. Boosting one’s immune system naturally can be easy with just a few modifications to diet and lifestyle.


Everybody knows that vitamin C can boost immunity. Many vitamin C containing foods are also packed with antioxidants. Protecting one’s body from the damage of free radicals can help contribute to a healthy immune system. Not only do antioxidants boost the immune system, they can also help to lessen the effects of aging and arthritis. They have even been shown to mitigate the effects of certain cancers.

Antioxidant Rich Foods

  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Raspberries
  • Strawberries
  • Pinto Beans
  • Prunes
  • Red Delicious Apples
  • Granny Smith Apples
  • Russet Potatoes Plums
  • Artichoke Hearts
  • Black Beans


Getting adequate sleep seems remains one of the most important ways to naturally boost one’s immune system. Going without sleep can increase the likely hood of getting sick. Getting enough sleep helps one’s body to recharge. Instituting a ‘bedtime’ may help to get one in the habit of going to bed earlier. Forcing a habit is okay to begin with.


Omega-3 fatty acids are great at boosting the immune system. Adding fat to a diet to boost health may seem counterproductive. When it comes to fat, omega-3 fatty acids are essential for good immune system health. Omega-3 fatty acids have shown to lessen inflammation and aid in production of white blood cells. Not everybody eats fish three times a week, so adding omega-3 fatty acids to a diet has to be a conscious decision. Fish oils are a great way to supplement an omega-3 deficient diet.

Foods Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids

  • Fish
  • Shellfish
  • Spinach
  • Winter Squash
  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Beans
  • Nuts and Seeds


A little bit of sunshine goes a long way. Some foods are fortified with vitamin D. Absorption of vitamin D through foods may not be as effective as sun exposure. It is actually beneficial to the immune system to get a little bit of sunshine. It is recommended to get from 5 to 30 minutes of sun exposure a few times each week. The sun exposure can be coupled with a brisk walk for an additional immune system boost.

Moderate Exercise

The tip to boosting immunity with exercise is to keep it moderate. Over straining or stressing one’s body with training can actually weaken the immune system. Taking a brisk 30 minute walk two or three times per week is a great way to get moderate exercise. The walk can be coupled with sun exposure to take advantage of two immune boosting strategies.

The five natural ways to help boost one’s immune system are eating foods rich in antioxidants, sleeping more, including omega-3 fatty acids into the diet, adequate sunshine and moderate exercise. Making these minor changes to one’s diet and lifestyle can make a positive impact on one’s immune system.


Sally writes on behalf of Trac Services, a regulatory affairs consultancy that help pharmaceutical companies with the clinical trial application process throughout Europe. Sally enjoys reading health and fitness blog and is particularly interested in the power of food as a medicine. Any opinions expressed in the article do not necessarily represent the business Sally writes for.

Infographics: How To Remove A Tick

Infographics: How To Remove A Tick

In order to remove a tick safely from your body, the correcty method must be used. There are a lot of different ways to remove ticks floating around the internet, but there is only one proven way to safely remove them, and that’s with tweezers, specifically pointed tweezers. This graphic clearly and simply shows the correct technique for pulling a tick out of your skin.

In addition to showing how to remove a tick, this graphic also provides some intersting information about ticks, including a few tick myths, and the truths about such myths.

One interesting fact about Ticks is that as long as you can find and pull them out of a bite within 24 hours, the bitten victim has a significantly higher chance of excaping any pathogens that might have been transmitted from the tick. Ticks are known to pass along many different diseases and knowning how to safely remove them is extremeley important, especially for people who love the great outdoors.




This graphic showing how to remove a tick was created by Do-It-Yourself Pest Control.


Herbal Preparations: Decoction

A decoction is a method for extracting oils, volatile organic compounds, and other chemical substances from hard plant materials such as roots and bark.

When making herbal decoctions, the ingredients are in most cases 30g (2 tablespoons) of dried herb and 500 ml of water.

Simple Decoction

1. Crush and mash the herbs

2. Place them in a bowl and add boiling water

3. Cover the bowl with a lid and let it stand overnight

4. Replace the water that has been lost by evaporation

5. Place the water with the herbs in an enamel pan.

6. Bring to boil slowly

7. Simmer for about 20 minutes while keeping the lid covered

8. Using a muslin cloth, strain and press all the liquid

The decoction can last up to a period of 2-3 days and it can be taken without diluting .

Reduced Decoction

Follow the simple decoction’s procedure until step 5.

6.  Heat until steam comes out while keeping covered with a lid

7. Turn the heat low and steam for about 1 hour until you see that the liquid has gone down to 250 ml.

8. Using a muslin cloth, strain and press all the liquid

When stored in a cool place, this will keep for around 4-5 days.


Preserved Decoction

You can preserve a decoction longer either by:

  1. Adding 450g sugar or honey to 200 ml of decoction. This should be taken in dosages of 1 teaspoon 3 times daily.
  2. Adding liquors such as vodka or brandy at a ratio of 1:2. This should be taken in dosages of 1/4 cup daily.
  3. Pouring a very thin layer of vegetable oil on the surface of the decoction and then sealing. When need to use arises, just draw the oil off and pour the decoction from it. It should be taken in measurements of 3 teaspoons 3 times daily.

See Also


Ticks and Lyme Disease

Adult deer tick, Ixodes scapularis.
Adult deer tick, Ixodes scapularis. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Deer ticks are a member of the arachnid family. They move about the ground slowly, or settle on tall vegetation and wait patiently for a warm-blooded animal to pass by so they can attach themselves.  About the size of a sesame seed; deer ticks will crawl about on a mammal (often unnoticed) searching for a good place to attach itself. Once attached, the deer tick will suck blood and swell up to the size of a raisin.

Some Tips on Avoiding or Dealing with Ticks

  • Ticks are easier to spot on light colored clothing.
  • Do not walk in tall grass, woods, or dune with bare legs.
  • Long pants and a long sleeved shirt will delay a tick from finding a good spot to get attached. Closed footwear and wearing your pants tucked into your socks offers further protection.
  • Stay on groomed paths if possible.
  • Use an insect repellent that has DEET. Apply it to your skin and outer clothing.  Avoid your eyes and mouth, as well as cuts and scrapes.  Please note that the use of DEET may carry its own set of risks.
  • Put a tick and flea collar on your pet and check pets for ticks periodically.
  • Search your body well for ticks daily.  Pay special attention to areas such as groin, scalp and armpits.  Use a mirror to check parts of your body that you can’t see directly, or ask somebody to help.

On average, the deer tick may remain for up to 48 hours before falling off, and during this time it can transmit the bacterium that causes Lyme disease.

Lyme Disease is not life threatening, but it can be very weakening if left untreated.

Lyme Disease’s Symptoms

Its symptoms progress in 3 stages.

First Stage Symptoms

These symptoms may appear within a month to 3 months of the tick bite. It is possible not to experience any of these symptoms but still be affected by Lyme disease. If these symptoms do appear, they will usually go away on their own… but more serious problems will develop later.

  • Headache, fever, fatigue, nausea, stiff neck, muscle aches, and other flu like symptoms
  • English: Erythematous rash in the pattern of a...
    English: Erythematous rash in the pattern of a “bull’s-eye” from Lyme disease (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

    A rash may appear where the tick bite was, or somewhere else on the body. The circular or oblong rash may increase in size and have well-defined margins with central clearing, giving it a characteristic “bulls-eye” appearance.  It begins as a small, red, raised area that expands in size, sometimes reaching 20 inches or more in diameter.The rash may or may not burn or itch.

Second Stage Symptoms

Several weeks to several months after the tick bite, a person infected with Lyme disease will most likely experience heart problems and/or nervous system disorders.

Third Stage Symptoms

Several months to a year or more later, a person will likely suffer a recurrent attack of swelling; pain in large joints, and even more sever neurological problems.

Lyme Disease Treatment

One of the problems about Lyme disease is that the symptoms are often easily confused with other disorders. However, it is most easy to diagnose during the first stage of symptoms, and this is the best time to treat with antibiotics.


Why Hiking Is The Perfect Medicine For a Stressed City Worker

Sitting down day after day with your eyes stuck to a computer screen and a phone glued to your ear may be financially rewarding, but it isn’t a natural way of living. Consequently, it leads to physical and mental stress, which, if left unchecked, can cause serious health problems further down the line. What you need is a hobby that takes you right away from your working environment in the City to a place where you can unwind mentally and use your body as nature intended. In short, you need to take up hiking.

What is hiking?

At its simplest, hiking is a long walk in the country that you indulge in for pleasure. Long is taken to mean several kilometres, and not just a twenty minute stroll around the local park. A more serious definition of hiking is an outdoor activity that involves walking in natural surroundings over scenic terrain that is often mountainous or hilly.

The benefits of hiking

Hiking is great for your cardiovascular system as it involves you in strenuous physical exercise for a prolonged period of time. It’s better than a session at the local gymnasium because it’s done in the open air, which means you can gulp down as much clean, fresh air as you like, unlike when you are exercising in a sweaty room with many other malodorous bodies. Additionally, you improve your overall body strength and feel great physically. You look a whole lot better as well. Gone is the pasty, indoor complexion, replaced by a healthy, outdoor vision that other people warm to. But hiking isn’t just about the physical. As your brain tunes in to the glorious outdoor scenery, you begin to connect with the earth. Soon, you forget about work and think only of where you are as your mind is given licence to roam and revel in your surroundings. Worry and stress are banished as your brain relaxes and refreshes itself.

Is hiking expensive?

To do it properly, you need to buy some specialist equipment. At the very least, you’ll require some stout boots and socks as well as whether proof clothing and a small rucksack to carry such things as food, water, first-aid kit, torch etc. How much you spend is up to you, but as with most things you buy, the more you spend the better the quality. And the question of whether it’s expensive depends on how you view the cost-benefit analysis.

Author: This post was supplied on behalf of Simply Hike, online camping equipment store and stockiest of Hunter Wellies in the UK.

Cold Season

What NOT To Do During Cold And Flu Season

While this article is called what NOT to do, I will be offering a plethora of what TO DO.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be sick every single season, when others cruise through? It’s not just because they are lucky, it’s because of the old survival rule ‘Be Prepared’


DON’Ts –

  1. Don’t “starve a fever and feed a cold” – don’t do either. Instead, drink a lot of water, preferably warm as it helps to soothe mucous membranes. Drink fresh juices – get yourself a juicer so you can do this at least once a day. Raw foods are proven immune strengtheners. Eat healthy – I know we all want to comfort eat but that is damaging and can in fact just start a downward spiral.
  2. Hot milk
    Hot milk (Photo credit: anasararojas)

    Don’t drink sugary or milky warm drinks – this increases acidity, which puts you in the sick room in the first place. It also increases mucous which you don’t want. Constant aggravation of your nervous system and digestive system will only aggravate your respiratory system. Instead, drink lots of warm water infused with beneficial herbs such as nasturtium thyme, sage, chamomile, mint and Himalayan salt. It replaces valuable electrolytes as well as soothing airways and flushing out toxins.

  3. Don’t sit indoors in warm rooms 24/7 – this actually allows the bugs to grow due to increased humidity. If you are suffering a fever, by all means rug up and warm your body but the fresh air outside is far more beneficial. As is the great big free Vitamin D machine – sunshine. Don’t cover up, don’t block out the sun’s rays. Considering we need a few hours a day to absorb sufficient D, many of us are lacking. And considering asthma is linked to a D deficiency, it explains why lots of kids and even adults suffer with asthma so frequently.
  4. Don’t just use mentholated rub on your chest or neck. Don’t laugh but the best place to use it is on the soles of your feet. I am not joking. If you cough, it will actually stop it faster than any cough medicine. For kids, rub it on before bed and cover feet with socks. It works. Of course, try and find a non-petroleum jelly based rub – there are many based on safer gels.
  5. Don’t share your germs! Don’t go to work, don’t send your kids to school or daycare, don’t cough in public and don’t cough into your hands. Each of these things will spread sickness faster than anything else. I personally get angry when I am forced to share the germs of others. I don’t share mine and I appreciate others offering the same respect.
  6. Don’t try and work it out of you. Think about the animals in the wild. When they are sick, they sleep and even hibernate. Sometimes they eat plants for instinctive healing, but most of all they sleep. We need to learn to do the same. If your body is telling you it is too tired or weak to work, listen. Go to bed, sleep it off. You’d do the same for a hangover or late night, and they are self inflicted. If your body speaks, just allow yourself to listen it. Rather than drag an illness out or make it worse (no, you can’t sweat it out by overburdening it) you may just find you cut the duration.
  7. Don’t just let your body suffer. That is one of the worst things you can do and I am amazed at the number of so-called experts who will advise you to do this very thing. The body cannot heal well while it is under duress. If a cut is inflamed and you irritate it, will it heal? The same can be said for any inflammatory illness. Soothe it with analgesia – that can range from willowbark and feverfew to a special paracetamol/codeine formulation.
  8. Don’t ignore it hoping it will go away. All you are doing is putting off the inevitable and inviting more chronic illness. I have lost count of the number of chronically unwell people who begin with “I thought it was just a cold and that it would go away.”

So what can you do?

Well, apart from what has been written above, there is a LOT you can do.

  1. A herbal ‘antibiotic’– of which there are many. Most will contain echinacea and garlic – funny enough, most doctors will say not to waste your time, yet studies have proven that in contagious disease, including drug-resistant strains, that herbal medicine is far more effective than any drug on the market. And with far less side effects. These herb-biotics can range from basic herbs to Chinese herbs (free of questionable and cruelly-derived animal ingredients) and can be in tablet or tonic forms. The taste does take some getting used to but in my house at least, the kids love the taste.

    An Ikea garlic press, with pressed garlic.
    pressed garlic (source: wikipedia)
  2. Steaming and nasal washing – using neti pots, steam machines, even a hot shower – these all serve to clean and soothe the mucous membranes and actually speed healing.
  3. Look at your lifestyle and diet. If you find yourself getting repeated coughs, colds and flus, it is no coincidence. Overhaul your diet – include raw and fresh food, lots of water and remove all the usual triggers of ill health – wheat, yeast, sugar, dairy and meat. See these foods as a rare treat. If you have detrimental habits/addictions you may have to ask yourself what is more important.
  4. Hot baths (hydrotherapy). You may not believe this but if you run a hot bath and add a tablespoon each of powdered ginger, Epsom Salts and Bicarb, you will draw and ‘break’ the virus. Try it – it works. The same therapy is safe for all ages.
  5. Orange, pear, appleIncrease antioxidant intake. Fresh, raw juices – cucumber, celery, carrot, apple, orange, berry, cabbage, kale, spinach. The benefits of these foods raw, are far too numerous to mention. Studies have shown that antioxidant intake is better than just about any other option – A, C, E, curcuminoids (turmeric etc), pine bark extract, olive leaf extract, etc – all not only fight the virus but knock off free radicals and soothe tissues.
  6. Foot soaks. Foot spas or even a bucket of hot water with Epsom Salts, Eucalyptus and other essential oils will draw out toxins and warm the body.
  7. Washing – both your body and surroundings. You need to wash away the toxins that build up at least once every two days (if you are very unwell). Your clothing and bedding will need regular cleaning and disinfecting with a healthy option such as eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree oil.
  8. Excrete – no joke. There are herbs that help with expectoration (coughing up of mucous), diaphoresis (sweating), urination (flushing through the kidneys) and bowel evacuation which needs to be kept frequent in order to prevent stagnant build up and weakened processes. See my other articles on such herbs – it’s worth it for everyone to either have a little herb garden or a store of them in the pantry.


Be pro-active this season. If you are already unwell, please take the steps necessary to get well. If you are not yet affected, please take the steps to build your immunity and make your environment one that discourages poor immunity. Don’t ignore it hoping it will go away. All you are doing is putting off the inevitable and inviting more chronic illness. I have lost count of the number of chronically unwell people who begin with “I thought it was just a cold and that it would go away.”


Herbal Preparations: Infusion

Infusions are one of the prominent herbal preparations. The main difference between an infusion and a simple herbal tea is in time and quantity.

  • An ordinary herbal teas is made with 1-2 teaspoons of herbs per cup and brewed for a few minutes.
  • Infusions are made with 1-2 tablespoons of dried herbs per 1 liter of water and brewed for several hours or even overnight.

How To Prepare An Infusion

When making them, it is advisable to infuse each and every herb on its own instead of mixing the different herbs together.

I like to use a container that has a tight lid because it retains the essence. When compared to a teapot, a container that has a tight lid is much better because it retains the essence. Jars that come with a screw top are the best and especially if they are warmed first.

You should first of all place a cup of herbs into a 1 liter jar and seal tightly after filling to the top with water that is boiling. You should leave this to brew for around 4 hours for leaf infusions and 2 hours for flower infusions. Once you are done with brewing, make sure that you strain off the liquid well on a muslin cloth by pressing out the last drops and pouring them into a jar or bottle.

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