Achieving a Greener Home

5 Tips for Achieving a Greener Home

More and more of us are considering the ways we can make our home a little more environmentally friendly, from big changes to little alterations in what we buy and who we buy them from. If you are trying to make your home a greener place, you may feel a little overwhelmed with where to start. With this in mind, start by reading through these 5 tips and you will soon be on your way to eco-friendly living!

Research your Cleaning Products

Some of the biggest household brands are far from environmentally friendly and on top of this are also tested on animals. Take your first step towards a greener home by looking into ethical and environmentally friendly alternatives; Ecover do a fantastic range of cleaning products from washing up liquid to laundry powder but there are plenty of other ranges that you could try.

Apply for a Water Saving Kit

Many companies now offer free water saving kits that not only help to conserve water but can also reduce your water bills for those on a meter. The kits can be applied for online and include all kinds of interesting contraptions such as tap inserts that save 70% of the water that normally flows out of the tap, a shower adaptor and a shower timer. Some companies even offer a free fitting service so you can save water without lifting a finger!

Read up on Recycling

Most homes will now have a recycling bin or box outside the front of their home that is collected on a regular basis, but do you really know what you can and can’t put in them? Different areas have different rules so it’s worth checking with your local council. Many new bins now come with a magnet that can be stuck to the fridge outlining everything that can be recycled as a handy reminder. Some flats now receive special bags to put their recycling in, so why not purchase a secondary kitchen bin to make it as easy as possible to separate waste from recycling?

Solar Energy

There is no denying that the installation of solar panels and heat pumps is an expensive job, but there are ways you can get a little help with going green in this way. Government funding is in place in the form of the Feed in Tariff which gives homeowners generating energy through solar panels regular cash payments for their efforts. To get an idea of pricing, there are comparison sites for solar companies set up to help you find the best deal.

Teach the Family

It’s all well and good putting effort into making your home a greener place, but if the rest of the household are not following suit your hard work could be in vain. Take the time to discuss the changes you are trying to make with your partner, children or housemates and explain why it’s so important to make them. With children, perhaps consider a reward system for their efforts such as a star chart to help them really embrace the changes.

From applying for a free water saving kit to installing solar panels, no change is too big or small so start with some of these tips and feel great about doing your bit for the environment!

Sophie has recently set up Greenkind and tries her best to keep her home as green as possible, helping others to do the same by offering advice and information on the website.


Why Hiking Is The Perfect Medicine For a Stressed City Worker

Sitting down day after day with your eyes stuck to a computer screen and a phone glued to your ear may be financially rewarding, but it isn’t a natural way of living. Consequently, it leads to physical and mental stress, which, if left unchecked, can cause serious health problems further down the line. What you need is a hobby that takes you right away from your working environment in the City to a place where you can unwind mentally and use your body as nature intended. In short, you need to take up hiking.

What is hiking?

At its simplest, hiking is a long walk in the country that you indulge in for pleasure. Long is taken to mean several kilometres, and not just a twenty minute stroll around the local park. A more serious definition of hiking is an outdoor activity that involves walking in natural surroundings over scenic terrain that is often mountainous or hilly.

The benefits of hiking

Hiking is great for your cardiovascular system as it involves you in strenuous physical exercise for a prolonged period of time. It’s better than a session at the local gymnasium because it’s done in the open air, which means you can gulp down as much clean, fresh air as you like, unlike when you are exercising in a sweaty room with many other malodorous bodies. Additionally, you improve your overall body strength and feel great physically. You look a whole lot better as well. Gone is the pasty, indoor complexion, replaced by a healthy, outdoor vision that other people warm to. But hiking isn’t just about the physical. As your brain tunes in to the glorious outdoor scenery, you begin to connect with the earth. Soon, you forget about work and think only of where you are as your mind is given licence to roam and revel in your surroundings. Worry and stress are banished as your brain relaxes and refreshes itself.

Is hiking expensive?

To do it properly, you need to buy some specialist equipment. At the very least, you’ll require some stout boots and socks as well as whether proof clothing and a small rucksack to carry such things as food, water, first-aid kit, torch etc. How much you spend is up to you, but as with most things you buy, the more you spend the better the quality. And the question of whether it’s expensive depends on how you view the cost-benefit analysis.

Author: This post was supplied on behalf of Simply Hike, online camping equipment store and stockiest of Hunter Wellies in the UK.

Cold Season

What NOT To Do During Cold And Flu Season

While this article is called what NOT to do, I will be offering a plethora of what TO DO.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be sick every single season, when others cruise through? It’s not just because they are lucky, it’s because of the old survival rule ‘Be Prepared’


DON’Ts –

  1. Don’t “starve a fever and feed a cold” – don’t do either. Instead, drink a lot of water, preferably warm as it helps to soothe mucous membranes. Drink fresh juices – get yourself a juicer so you can do this at least once a day. Raw foods are proven immune strengtheners. Eat healthy – I know we all want to comfort eat but that is damaging and can in fact just start a downward spiral.
  2. Hot milk
    Hot milk (Photo credit: anasararojas)

    Don’t drink sugary or milky warm drinks – this increases acidity, which puts you in the sick room in the first place. It also increases mucous which you don’t want. Constant aggravation of your nervous system and digestive system will only aggravate your respiratory system. Instead, drink lots of warm water infused with beneficial herbs such as nasturtium thyme, sage, chamomile, mint and Himalayan salt. It replaces valuable electrolytes as well as soothing airways and flushing out toxins.

  3. Don’t sit indoors in warm rooms 24/7 – this actually allows the bugs to grow due to increased humidity. If you are suffering a fever, by all means rug up and warm your body but the fresh air outside is far more beneficial. As is the great big free Vitamin D machine – sunshine. Don’t cover up, don’t block out the sun’s rays. Considering we need a few hours a day to absorb sufficient D, many of us are lacking. And considering asthma is linked to a D deficiency, it explains why lots of kids and even adults suffer with asthma so frequently.
  4. Don’t just use mentholated rub on your chest or neck. Don’t laugh but the best place to use it is on the soles of your feet. I am not joking. If you cough, it will actually stop it faster than any cough medicine. For kids, rub it on before bed and cover feet with socks. It works. Of course, try and find a non-petroleum jelly based rub – there are many based on safer gels.
  5. Don’t share your germs! Don’t go to work, don’t send your kids to school or daycare, don’t cough in public and don’t cough into your hands. Each of these things will spread sickness faster than anything else. I personally get angry when I am forced to share the germs of others. I don’t share mine and I appreciate others offering the same respect.
  6. Don’t try and work it out of you. Think about the animals in the wild. When they are sick, they sleep and even hibernate. Sometimes they eat plants for instinctive healing, but most of all they sleep. We need to learn to do the same. If your body is telling you it is too tired or weak to work, listen. Go to bed, sleep it off. You’d do the same for a hangover or late night, and they are self inflicted. If your body speaks, just allow yourself to listen it. Rather than drag an illness out or make it worse (no, you can’t sweat it out by overburdening it) you may just find you cut the duration.
  7. Don’t just let your body suffer. That is one of the worst things you can do and I am amazed at the number of so-called experts who will advise you to do this very thing. The body cannot heal well while it is under duress. If a cut is inflamed and you irritate it, will it heal? The same can be said for any inflammatory illness. Soothe it with analgesia – that can range from willowbark and feverfew to a special paracetamol/codeine formulation.
  8. Don’t ignore it hoping it will go away. All you are doing is putting off the inevitable and inviting more chronic illness. I have lost count of the number of chronically unwell people who begin with “I thought it was just a cold and that it would go away.”

So what can you do?

Well, apart from what has been written above, there is a LOT you can do.

  1. A herbal ‘antibiotic’– of which there are many. Most will contain echinacea and garlic – funny enough, most doctors will say not to waste your time, yet studies have proven that in contagious disease, including drug-resistant strains, that herbal medicine is far more effective than any drug on the market. And with far less side effects. These herb-biotics can range from basic herbs to Chinese herbs (free of questionable and cruelly-derived animal ingredients) and can be in tablet or tonic forms. The taste does take some getting used to but in my house at least, the kids love the taste.

    An Ikea garlic press, with pressed garlic.
    pressed garlic (source: wikipedia)
  2. Steaming and nasal washing – using neti pots, steam machines, even a hot shower – these all serve to clean and soothe the mucous membranes and actually speed healing.
  3. Look at your lifestyle and diet. If you find yourself getting repeated coughs, colds and flus, it is no coincidence. Overhaul your diet – include raw and fresh food, lots of water and remove all the usual triggers of ill health – wheat, yeast, sugar, dairy and meat. See these foods as a rare treat. If you have detrimental habits/addictions you may have to ask yourself what is more important.
  4. Hot baths (hydrotherapy). You may not believe this but if you run a hot bath and add a tablespoon each of powdered ginger, Epsom Salts and Bicarb, you will draw and ‘break’ the virus. Try it – it works. The same therapy is safe for all ages.
  5. Orange, pear, appleIncrease antioxidant intake. Fresh, raw juices – cucumber, celery, carrot, apple, orange, berry, cabbage, kale, spinach. The benefits of these foods raw, are far too numerous to mention. Studies have shown that antioxidant intake is better than just about any other option – A, C, E, curcuminoids (turmeric etc), pine bark extract, olive leaf extract, etc – all not only fight the virus but knock off free radicals and soothe tissues.
  6. Foot soaks. Foot spas or even a bucket of hot water with Epsom Salts, Eucalyptus and other essential oils will draw out toxins and warm the body.
  7. Washing – both your body and surroundings. You need to wash away the toxins that build up at least once every two days (if you are very unwell). Your clothing and bedding will need regular cleaning and disinfecting with a healthy option such as eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree oil.
  8. Excrete – no joke. There are herbs that help with expectoration (coughing up of mucous), diaphoresis (sweating), urination (flushing through the kidneys) and bowel evacuation which needs to be kept frequent in order to prevent stagnant build up and weakened processes. See my other articles on such herbs – it’s worth it for everyone to either have a little herb garden or a store of them in the pantry.


Be pro-active this season. If you are already unwell, please take the steps necessary to get well. If you are not yet affected, please take the steps to build your immunity and make your environment one that discourages poor immunity. Don’t ignore it hoping it will go away. All you are doing is putting off the inevitable and inviting more chronic illness. I have lost count of the number of chronically unwell people who begin with “I thought it was just a cold and that it would go away.”

eco house

How to Easily Transition Your Home into an Eco-Friendly Environment

Many people have transitioned their home and environment into a more eco-friendly space. There are a few reasons why they are doing this, with the main one being that it helps to protect the environment for our future generations. That’s our children and grandchildren.

But, it also can help save money and help our health. And who can’t use a little extra cash in their pockets, or a few less issues with their health?

So, if you are considering taking the steps in turning your home into a greener environment, read on for some ideas to make the transition a smooth one.

Furnishing with an Organic Flair

I am first going to tackle one of the biggest areas that can be addressed. In fact, it’s big enough that you might want to take this in baby steps. I am talking about the furnishings within the home. To switch everything out for natural and organic would be put a big dent in the wallet to do all at once. So, that is why I recommend a slow transition in getting rid of the allergen traps.

Carpet is notorious for trapping dirt and stains. However, it’s also a haven for dust mites and other allergens. If you are considering a change in flooring, you might want to opt for a hard surface such as bamboo, which is good for both allergens and the environment.

Window treatments are also a home for allergens. If you are not wanting to launder them on a regular basis, you might want to switch draperies out for blinds that will not trap allergens.

One last area I want to discuss in this section is bedding. Mattresses, sheets, and comforters are not only capable of trapping allergens, but also created with chemicals…unless, you go with organic. I have a friend who is getting serious about going green, and is expecting a baby as well. The nursery was the first room they tackled, with an organic baby crib mattress, all natural sheets, bamboo flooring, and blinds. So, the baby will not be breathing in chemicals as  they sleep.

Cleaning up Naturally

One way to remove chemicals from your environment is to clean with natural products. You will notice that the shelves at stores are filling up with natural products, including a variety of cleaning products.

You shouldn’t have a hard time finding them at all. However, if you prefer to go completely natural and save money at the same time, make your own. Just look in your kitchen pantry for ingredients that work well for cleaning, such as lemon juice, white vinegar, salt, club soda, and so much more.

There are websites that are dedicated to all natural cleaning products that will provide ‘recipes’ for a multitude of cleaning needs from windows to laundry.

A Little R and R

Of course I need to address recycling, which is the first ‘R’ and far more popular and easy to do than when it first started. Many cities have bins available for you to recycle and have curbside pickup available. It doesn’t get much easier than that.

The second ‘R’ is to reuse. If you can reuse something, it can help save money, as well as the environment. The following are 5 ideas on how to reuse:

  1. Shopping Bags – the plastic bags you get from the store can be used for storing items, or as a small trash bag
  2. Cleaning Rags – use washable cloth cleaning rags over paper towels
  3. Borrow – rather than purchasing something you won’t need forever, see if you can borrow it
  4. Jars – emptied food jars can store many other items
  5. Garbage – make into compost for a natural fertilizer

I am sure you will be able to find many other items around the home that you can creatively use in other forms. It’s all about putting less waste into our world.

Energize that Transition

Simply turning down the heat will help reduce your energy budget, that’s common knowledge. However, are you aware of how much? For every degree you dial it down, you will save on average of 2% on your energy bill. Good enough reason to put a sweater on, right?

Another option is solar power. A solar-powered generator allows for currents of electricity to reach a battery ‘bank’, to be stored. They say the most resourceful form is the flat panel. These work especially well for larger roofs in sunny areas. While this is an area growing in popularity, it also takes a bit of research to know how to do it right.

In Closing

There are several ways you can transition your home and environment into an eco-friendly area, and I have mentioned just a few. Do some research to see what you can do to ease your transition and get a great start on a healthier future for your children and grandchildren.


As a successful freelance writer and Internet marketer, Mark Harris enjoys researching for new material for future projects. His latest series of articles on going green was inspired when he was visiting Mark is married and lives in White Rock, B.C. on Canada’s stunning west coast. When he is not working, he enjoys time on the local beaches, kayaking, and hiking.


Twenty Ways to Use a Plastic Bag

After going shopping, you probably have loads of plastic bags that you do not know what to do with. Some of you would throw the bags away and some of you would store them because you have nothing else to do with them. Instead of throwing the bags away and leaving them lying around, then try using them for something useful. Here are 20 ways you can use a polythene bag.

1. Plastic bags are inexpensive and are great for packaging items safely and securely.

2. When you are crushing food, such as biscuits, put that item in a plastic bag so it catches the crumbs.

3. If you feel like being creative, then try making a kite or a toy parachute out of polythene bags.

4. It can be used as a bin bag and it is good for collecting fruit and vegetable peelings.

5. If you take your lunch to school or work, then you can take it in a plastic bag.

6. You can take the bags with you when you go shopping and you can reuse them instead of having to use new ones.

7. If you have a protective cast for any reason, then a plastic bag can stop it from getting wet when you have a shower or a bath.

8. They can be used a disposable gloves when you a dealing with unpleasant items.

9. Keep some in the car to store wet and muddy shoes and clothes to stop your car getting dirty. You can also use them to store a wet umbrella.

10. Another reason to keep them in the car is so they can be used as sick bags if necessary.

11. When you are traveling, put any liquid items, such as perfume, shampoo and toothpaste, in a plastic bag to stop any of them leaking over clothes.

12. You can just use them generally to store items.

13. If you have a cat, then you can place them in the bottom of a cat litter tray so it is easy for you to clean up quickly.

14. You can use polythene bags to store leaky bottles or jars in order to save the mess in your cupboards.

15. They can potentially be used as a cheap way to insulate your home.

16. Place your shoes in a plastic bag when they’re in a suitcase to prevent your clothes from smelling.

17. You can also use a plastic bag as a laundry bag so your clean and dirty washing is separated.

18. Lay them down on the floor when you are painting or decorating so they catch any bits of paint or other materials.

19. You can cover clothing items in your wardrobe to prevent them getting dusty.

20. If your pillows are feeling flat, then you can use polythene bags to pad them out.

In a way, this is your own type of recycling because you are reusing the bags instead of throwing them away.

Into The Wild

How To Survive In The Wild

Watching the film; Into The Wild, recently, I was immediately struck by a key element. If I were stranded in the wild, would I actually be able to survive?


The will to live is an important factor in survival. If you manage, in your lifetime, to speak to any survivors, you will discover that they discuss the will to live. The will to live being so great, that there was simply no other option, than to survive their ordeal. A positive mental attitude is essential for survival.

Four Basic Needs – Water, Shelter, Warmth, Food

There are four basic needs to surviving in the wilderness. If you can provide for these needs, then your chances of survival are greatly increased.


Three days. Three days is the average time a person can survive without water. After that, you start to feel some serious effects. Dehydration is the biggest threat. One of the first things you need to do, when you realise you will be in the wild for some time, is to source a location of clean desalinated water and ensure you can access it easily and conveniently.


Shelter is incredibly important in the wild. It can provide some much needed warmth, but it can also provide a safe haven from wild animals and insects. Do ensure you place your shelter on dry, flat land. If you are lost, it is perhaps best not to camouflage it too well. You want to be found after all! Use foliage and ferns to fashion a bivouac between two trees; use the natural materials around you if you are lost without camping equipment. Once you have built your shelter you can dig out a trench in front with which you can build a slow burning fire to keep you warm throughout the night. A good shelter will also help you to sleep. Sleep is imperative to maintaining a rational, clear head. An important factor if you find yourself in the wild for long.


Keeping your body warm is very important. If you have not packed essentials such as thermals or a waterproof or windproof jacket, for your duration in the wild, you may need to use whatever materials are at your disposal. Use leaves and grasses to insulate your body against the cold and to furnish the base of your makeshift shelter to make warm strong covers against the cold. Hypothermia is a critical problem for survival and your core temperature should be maintained at 36.5 – 37.5.


A week is the average duration that an adult can survive without food. Therefore, this doesn’t seem like the first priority you will have to consider straight away. There are some great books such as the SAS survival guide by John Lofty Wiseman which will instruct you what sorts of berries and mushrooms are safe to eat and how to fashion rabbit traps. A key component of creating a great trap is hiding any evidence of its placement. Animals have a keen sense of smell and can detect human activity which will trigger alarm. A great trick is smoking a trap to mask your scent – as fire occurs normally in the wild. There are many types of trap such as drag noose, twitch-up snares, each with their own ingenious ways of crushing, throttling or catching your prey.

Whether you have planned a trip to the wild, or find yourself there by accident, you will discover a whole new way of life. A simple way, life stripped bare. Consider your basic needs and find ways to provide for them to ensure your stay is as comfortable as possible. Survival often depends on basic instincts. Your instinct is, naturally, to survive.


Jenny Sampson wrote this guest column on behalf of – the UK’s leading stockist of waterproof walking socks, gloves and hats.


Sustainable Harvesting

Sacred Earth: Sustainable Harvesting

There are few but essential things to keep in mind when gathering live plants:

1. Gather the plant in the right time, for instance when it’s blooming, producing fruits, or accumulating resources in the root.

2. Make sure to not over harvest an area. Some plants prosper after being harvested while others can’t survive losing some of the same species. You have the responsibility to research and study each plant before collecting.

3. Obey the law of natural selection, taking only the plants and trees that are struggling to thrive and will probably die as a result of insufficient sunlight caused by tough competition. Remember: predators eat the weakest preys, so that the remaining prey population become stronger and healthier.

The bottom line is that Mother Nature provides all the necessities of life to each and every being but if we want to continue to receive her gifts, we have to respect and appreciate her abundance.

As you collect any material from the landscape such as wood from living or dead trees, it is a good practice to give thanks for the gifts you have been given.


curly birch handled fire striker  steel ferocerium rod

Survival Kit Component: Ferrocerium Rod

Many of us go on trips far away from the comfort of civilization without always thinking about how to correctly prepare ourselves should the worst happen. But nobody ever plans to be in a survival situation, so we should always carry a basic survival kit with us on these types of excursions.

A basic survival kit means just that. It’s a basic kit, separate from the normal provisions you would carry, because it’s something you will hopefully never use. You should consider the basic things you would need to keep yourself alive.

You should carry something to transport water (condoms without spermicide work well), something to catch or trap food, something to help keep dry (a tarp will do) and something to start fires with.

One of the hardest, yet most essential skills in survival situations is to start a fire. There are numerous ways to start fires without equipment, yet many of these methods take many years to perfect. They also often rely on you being in an environment which is suitable. For example; you could be in an environment where the ground is sodden, after many days of consecutive rain. Even after many years of practice with fire-starting techniques, you are not guaranteed to be able to start a fire in these conditions.

How to always guarantee a fire in a survival situation with a ferrocerium rod.

Two of the best items you can pack into a survival kit is a ferrocerium rod and some kind of kindling. The ferrocerium rod will give off a number of very hot sparks when struck with an object such as; a knife or a sharp stone. You should ensure that these sparks then land on your kindling. Cotton wool will work well as kindling and packs easily into a small survival kit.

Once the kindling begins to ignite, you should then try and spread the fire to the smallest and driest twigs and fauna you have been able to gather. Eventually you will be able to start burning logs and keep the fire going. Sheltering the fire and surrounding it with stones can help keep it going for many days, in all conditions.


So why is fire so important?

There are several reasons why it ranks so highly on the list of things to consider in a survival situation. The first, is obviously warmth. In a cold environment, the effect of the cold can quickly accumulate, with your core body temperature staying low throughout the day, even with the sun in the sky, from the night before. As night falls this may leave you prone to hypothermia. Which is one of the biggest killers in the great outdoors.

Secondly. It’s important for cooking food. In winter months, it may be that the only food you can find is that which you have trapped, or fished for. You should obviously cook meat before eating.

It’s also important because passing aircraft, or someone a few miles away may be able to see the smoke and come to your aid.

Amongst the other benefits are for hygiene (smoke cleanses the clothes and the body), allowing you to boil water (which can kill some harmful bacteria) and also as a moral booster.

All of this can be achieved by packing a small ferrocerium rod and a bit of kindling. Which is light to carry and only costs a few dollars.

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Herbal Preparations: Infusion

Infusions are one of the prominent herbal preparations. The main difference between an infusion and a simple herbal tea is in time and quantity.

  • An ordinary herbal teas is made with 1-2 teaspoons of herbs per cup and brewed for a few minutes.
  • Infusions are made with 1-2 tablespoons of dried herbs per 1 liter of water and brewed for several hours or even overnight.

How To Prepare An Infusion

When making them, it is advisable to infuse each and every herb on its own instead of mixing the different herbs together.

I like to use a container that has a tight lid because it retains the essence. When compared to a teapot, a container that has a tight lid is much better because it retains the essence. Jars that come with a screw top are the best and especially if they are warmed first.

You should first of all place a cup of herbs into a 1 liter jar and seal tightly after filling to the top with water that is boiling. You should leave this to brew for around 4 hours for leaf infusions and 2 hours for flower infusions. Once you are done with brewing, make sure that you strain off the liquid well on a muslin cloth by pressing out the last drops and pouring them into a jar or bottle.

External Resources

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spring snare - survival skills

Everything You Ought To Know About Spring Snares

Spring snare components

Manmade and natural disasters, such as floods, earthquakes, pandemics, and terrorist attacks, can occur at any time, so learning the vital survival skills necessary to protect you and your family is very important. Food, unlike water and shelter, is not a critical concern for the first few days of survival, but if you find yourself in a survival situation for an extended period of time, knowing how to find your own food is essential. However, without significant experience, hunting game can often expend more energy than it gives back, so most survival experts suggest using traps and snares instead.

What is a Spring snare?

Spring snares are among the most basic of snares setups, and because of this they are also one of the most effective. Once you have set up your camp and collected enough water, you can begin setting up your snares. The more you set, the more likely you are to catch something. You can use the time waiting for a catch to do other important tasks like foraging for edible plants or strengthening your shelter.

What Animals Should You Target?

The best animals to target depend both on your level of experience and the resources you have available. Small game, such as rabbits, squirrel, quails, and geese, are a more realistic target for relative newcomers. You can also set up many small traps instead of one large one with the same resources.

Where To Place Your Snare

The placement of a trap has a significant influence on its success. To maximize your chance of catching an animal, place your spring snares across game trails and the entrance to burrows. These can be spotted by looking for footprints, droppings, scratches, and nearby water sources.

Materials Needed For Spring Snares

The materials you are most likely to need when creating spring snares, are a knife and some wire. Fortunately, these tools are staple components in most survival kits because they have such a wide range of uses in addition to snaring. Here are the materials you will need for the various components of the snare:

  • Noose – Strong but flexible string, cord, or preferably wire, it should be about 50-60cm long
  • Hook and base – Carved from two separate pieces of hardwood to form the trigger mechanism
  • Engine – Bent over sapling
  • Leader line – Any sort of cord, the length will depend on the engine

If you find yourself needing to make the snare without these materials, there are a lot of natural and manmade alternatives available. Consider using shoe laces, fishing wire, headphone wire, or natural cordage for your noose and leader line. A weighted rock strung over a tripod setup can replace a sapling.

Step-By-Step Guide To Creating Your Spring Snares

To create the noose:

  1. Tie a small loop, about the diameter of a pencil, at one end of your wire.
  2. Thread the other end of the wire through the loop to finish the noose.

To create the trigger:

  1. Cut a notch out of one hardwood stick near the top to create the ‘base’
  2. Carve a notch near the bottom of the second stick to create the ‘hook’. This should slot into the notch in the ‘base’ when the two are held end to end.

To assembly the spring snare:

  1. Drive the bottom of the ‘base’ into the ground
  2. Tie the ‘leader line’ to the top of the ‘Hook’ and tie the ‘noose’ to the bottom.
  3. Bend the sapling over so that its end is directly above the ‘base’
  4. Tie the free end of ‘leader line’ to the top of the bent over sapling
  5. Slot the ‘hook’ and ‘base’ together
  6. Position the ‘noose’ in the game trail

After setting your traps it is wise to check them regularly. Not only does this reduce the suffering of the animal, but it will also reduce the chance that your catch is eaten by another predator.

There are many variations on this snare, so if you need to, experiment and think outside the box to suit your surroundings.


Suggested spring snare variations. On the left: use a natural base. On the right: create a hook using a pin or a fishing hook.

Some expertise and skill are needed to create a spring snare so it is a good idea to practice making them before you get into a situation where your life may depend on them (check that this is legal in your area before you begin). Pre making some triggers and packing them into your survival kit is also a time saver.

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